Poetry for beginners
In the following articles, we will share with you basic information about poetry, for readers who want to delve into poetry in more detail and explore most of the nuances.

How to start your poet’s?
It has always been difficult for young poets to measure their success, because popularity is not the only indicator (you will agree that recognition came to many poets after death). What can we do to make our poetic path bright and fruitful? In the modern world, a poet is no longer an introvert,...
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Four definitions of poetry for every day
Today, poetry needs not so much masterpieces as a rethinking of its own purpose. I have tried to formulate and uncover five definitions of poetry that work in my own poetic kitchen. They work, which means they allow you to find an organic place for poetry in life. Poetry as art therapy Therapy is a...
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How to make money writing poems?
Making money on poems of your own composition is difficult, but possible. We will tell you how poets earn today, how much they pay for writing poetry on the Internet, where you can sell a finished poem. Below are detailed ways to make money on your work. Writing poems to order Writing poems is...
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